Saturday 5 May 2012

Rajghat, Gandhi Samadhi, New Delhi

Delhi, Rajghat Memorial of Mahatma Gandhi

Raj Ghat (meaning Royal Steps) is a beautiful, peaceful memorial to Mahatma Gandhi. This simple and somber black granite platform marks the site where, on January 31, 1948, Gandhi's last rites/cremation were performed. An eternal flame burns perpetually in the middle (end) of the square stone. The memorial was designed to reflect Gandhi's simple life. The inscription in the stone, "He Ram" ("Oh God"), is believed to be Gandhi's last words.

Bright garlands of orange marigolds are laid on the platform. A commemorative ceremony is held every Friday. Prayer ceremonies are held on Gandhi's birthday (Oct. 2) and death anniversary (Jan. 30), when national leaders gather to honor Gandhi. It is customary for foreign leaders visiting Delhi to pay their respects to Gandhi by laying flowers or wreaths on the platform as well.
Beautiful lawns surround the walled enclosure that houses the memorial. A footpath leads to the memorial. You must remove your shoes before entering the enclosure.
It is said that 10,000 visitor's a day visit the memorial. If that is so, we were very lucky since it was hardly crowded when we visited. This was definitely the most special place in Delhi.
The memorial is located across the road from the Gandhi National Museum.

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